

Designed a poster for the coming halloween event 'HELLO!WEEN' in MARUIKE HOUSE.
I took charge for make whole process, such layout design, making images and typography.
The image of the illustration is 'monsters come from MARUIKE HOUSE' as the house itself is really old and some says she saw a real one..

for more info about the event, check this link.


Black and white in red.

Now I really understand why this chinese bear is loved by almost everyone.
Their pure behaviour make people naturally smile. 


old film

made a logo and illustration for my commission work but they haven't been taken this time..


Hey I will be a bow tie maker.

Currently I'm making bow tie-like brooches.
These are unisexed products and both boys and girls can put on thier breast.
It will be super lovely a couple share one tie and sometimes it become the cause of their squabble.. 'today is my turn to put it!" "No, I will go to school with it!" How lovely.
The material is mostly scrap of cloth and this is fine eco friendly products!
I love to make combination of cloths and I won't make same combination.
All products are only one in this world.
Someday I would love to make genuine English bow tie with regard to my love UK!


tete/new studio with a small weekend shop

I and my old friends established a new design studio "tete" in Komagome, North Tokyo.
As tete, we make 100% handmade goods from accessaries to bag and etc,.
It become a small shop on every Sunday. Our studio is located in the ex-old old apartment house named "MARUIKE HOUSE" which is lately renovated as the house of studios or small shops like ours. There are a cafe with gallery space, stationary shop, record shop and etc,.
The building is in the ordinary residence area, and at first I was just wondering who comes here... but people come. I love this fact.
Some of the shops are still under construction though, we're opening as shop from 19th June. Come and see our products!

teteが入居するMARUIKE HOUSEは元ボロアパート、現在はカフェやら文房具屋さんやらが入る集合アトリエ+ショップのようなものです。どのお店も入居者自ら改装工事を行い、手作り感たっぷりでいいかんじです。


東京都北区田端4-3-3 MARUIKE HOUSE205
205 MARUIKE HOUSE, 4-3-3 Tabata, Kita-ku, Tokyo, Japan 114-0014



this is the lucky happening.
makes me happy tiny bit.


was like a turtle last year so must be a rabbit this year.

happy new year dear all!
rabbit is the year of 2011 in chinese astrology.
be playful, be pretty as rabbit is!

and, sorry for this really really slow up-dating...
i was like a turtle so must be a rabbit this year.
my resolution of this year should be more and more creative+keep constant up-dating!

hope you all will have super happy year of 2011.

aki makita from tokyo