
Hey I will be a bow tie maker.

Currently I'm making bow tie-like brooches.
These are unisexed products and both boys and girls can put on thier breast.
It will be super lovely a couple share one tie and sometimes it become the cause of their squabble.. 'today is my turn to put it!" "No, I will go to school with it!" How lovely.
The material is mostly scrap of cloth and this is fine eco friendly products!
I love to make combination of cloths and I won't make same combination.
All products are only one in this world.
Someday I would love to make genuine English bow tie with regard to my love UK!


tete/new studio with a small weekend shop

I and my old friends established a new design studio "tete" in Komagome, North Tokyo.
As tete, we make 100% handmade goods from accessaries to bag and etc,.
It become a small shop on every Sunday. Our studio is located in the ex-old old apartment house named "MARUIKE HOUSE" which is lately renovated as the house of studios or small shops like ours. There are a cafe with gallery space, stationary shop, record shop and etc,.
The building is in the ordinary residence area, and at first I was just wondering who comes here... but people come. I love this fact.
Some of the shops are still under construction though, we're opening as shop from 19th June. Come and see our products!

teteが入居するMARUIKE HOUSEは元ボロアパート、現在はカフェやら文房具屋さんやらが入る集合アトリエ+ショップのようなものです。どのお店も入居者自ら改装工事を行い、手作り感たっぷりでいいかんじです。


東京都北区田端4-3-3 MARUIKE HOUSE205
205 MARUIKE HOUSE, 4-3-3 Tabata, Kita-ku, Tokyo, Japan 114-0014